Some Changes at Grass Valley Kenpo

Students and Parents:

Grass Valley Kenpo Family Karate will be experiencing some changes coming in May, 2017. First of all, we will be changing the schedule. The schedule we have now was originally enacted to afford Mr. Garcia more time to spend with his family. It was an experimental schedule, and allowed all ranks to participate in the same class, working together. While we had access to the other suite next to us, this worked well. Now that we have neighbors moving in, and due to the increasing size of our juniors program, it has become difficult to fit all students in the same room.

The new schedule will be as follows:


Junior Beginners – 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Tiny Eagles 5:30pm to 6:00pm

Junior Beginners – 6:15pm to 7:15pm

Adult Beginners – 7:30pm to 8:30pm


Junior Advanced – 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Adults (All Ranks) – 6:45pm to 8:15pm


Tiny Eagles – 5:30pm to 6:00pm

Junior Advanced – 6:15pm to 7:15pm

Adult Advanced – 7:30pm to 8:30pm

This new schedule will insure that all the students will be able to work on their own material while not feeling like they are either being left behind or bored. Sparring on the 1st and 3rd Fridays will not be affected. For those students who have private lessons scheduled on Mondays, we will either push back the times or move the class to another day. Please see Mrs. Garcia to confirm your new time.

Secondly, Grass Valley Kenpo has always prided itself on providing quality martial arts instruction for competitive rates. However, it is important that our rates remain realistic and cover expenses. Our rent was increased at the beginning of the year. We spend many, many hours of our own time running the business from home, and we host and attend many extracurricular activities on the weekends. Most of these additional expenses are currently not covered by our existing rates. Additionally, many of our events are fundraisers. For example, we take in no money from our Gold Mountain tournament, which is done entirely for charity.

Therefore, we will be raising our rates by $5, beginning in May, to helpcover these costs. As of May 1st, the rates for Tiny Eagles will be $40 a month, and Kenpo Karate will be $65. Family discounts will still apply.

We know this will not be an easy change for everyone due to schedule or budget constraints. We feel these are very fair rates, but we will not turn anyone away because they are unable to afford karate lessons or because the class time is an issue, so please talk with us if you have a concern and we will see what we can do to make something work.

Lastly, we have new neighbors moving into the space next door. They are a dance troupe. We have already met the owners and they are very nice; we think it will be a great fit. As far as we know, they will be holding classes at the same time as ours. This may impact our parking spaces. Parking will be limited, so come early to class if you can.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can speak to us at the dojo, or more privately through email or phone. We appreciate your patience.


Yours in Kenpo,

David & Jakki Garcia

Head Instructors

Grass Valley Kenpo Family Karate